1.1 GIS data download and preparation
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
## turn off scientific notation
options(scipen = 5)
## Download GIS data for maps
## geometry = TRUE --> GIS shapefile data to create maps
## B01001_001: total population
## NOTE: When you download the county data for the regressions, use options: geometry = FALSE,keep_geo_vars = FALSE
# county-level data for population
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
countyGIS variables = "B01001_001",
geometry = TRUE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
# State data (for displaying state borders on map)
<- get_acs(geography = "state",
stateGIS variables = "B01001_001",
geometry = TRUE,
keep_geo_vars = FALSE)
## Simplify GIS data to make file sizes smaller. This essentially removes some details along coastlines and very-not-straight borders.
<- ms_simplify(stateGIS, keep = 0.01)
stateGIS <- ms_simplify(countyGIS, keep = 0.01)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS select(FIPS = GEOID,
coNAME = NAME.x,
pop = estimate,
## For maps, drop the following:
## Puerto Rico (ST FIPS 72) (no election data)
## Alaska (ST FIPS 02) (voting data isn't reported by county...we could also map the legislative districts, but we're not going to since we'd rather have smaller maps without those extra details)
## Hawaii (ST FIPS 15) (so our map can zoom in on continental 48 states)
<- countyGIS %>% filter(stFIPS != "72" & stFIPS != "02")
countyGIS <- stateGIS %>% filter(GEOID != "72" & GEOID != "02" & GEOID != "15")
## join 2-character state abbreviation and create name = county, ST for labeling maps
<- fips_codes %>% select(stFIPS = state_code, stNAME = state) %>% unique()
<- inner_join(countyGIS,fipsToSTcode,by="stFIPS")
<- countyGIS %>% mutate(name = paste0(coNAME,", ", stNAME))
## NOTE: If you don't use keep_geo_vars = TRUE, you don't get separate STATEFP and COUNTYFP, but you can use mutate() and create stFIPS = substr(GEOID,1,2) and coFIPS = substr(GEOID,3,5)
Category 1 variable 1
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
white variables = "B01001A_001",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- white %>%
white_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_white = estimate,
moe_white = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(white_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_white = 100 * pop_white / pop)
Category 1 variable 2
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
asian variables = "B01001D_001",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- asian %>%
asian_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_asian = estimate,
moe_asian = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(asian_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_asian = 100 * pop_asian / pop)
Category 2 variable 1
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
white_age variables = c("B01001A_007", "B01001A_008", "B01001A_009", "B01001A_010", "B01001A_011", "B01001A_012", "B01001A_013", "B01001A_014", "B01001A_015", "B01001A_016", "B01001A_022", "B01001A_023", "B01001A_024", "B01001A_025", "B01001A_026", "B01001A_027", "B01001A_028", "B01001A_029", "B01001A_030", "B01001A_031"),
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE, output = "wide")
<- white_age %>%
whiteage_filtered mutate(estimate = c(B01001A_007E + B01001A_008E + B01001A_009E + B01001A_010E + B01001A_011E + B01001A_012E + B01001A_013E + B01001A_014E + B01001A_015E + B01001A_016E + B01001A_022E + B01001A_023E + B01001A_024E + B01001A_025E + B01001A_026E + B01001A_027E + B01001A_028E + B01001A_029E + B01001A_030E + B01001A_031E)) %>%
mutate(moe = B01001A_007M + B01001A_008M + B01001A_009M + B01001A_010M + B01001A_011M + B01001A_012M + B01001A_013M + B01001A_014M + B01001A_015M + B01001A_016M + B01001A_022M + B01001A_023M + B01001A_024M + B01001A_025M + B01001A_026M + B01001A_027M + B01001A_028M + B01001A_029M + B01001A_030M + B01001A_031M) %>% select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_whiteage = estimate,
moe_whiteage = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(whiteage_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_whiteage = 100 * pop_whiteage / pop)
Category 2 variable 2
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
asian_age variables = c("B01001D_007", "B01001D_008", "B01001D_009", "B01001D_010", "B01001D_011", "B01001D_012", "B01001D_013", "B01001D_014", "B01001D_015", "B01001D_016", "B01001D_022", "B01001D_023", "B01001D_024", "B01001D_025", "B01001D_026", "B01001D_027", "B01001D_028", "B01001D_029", "B01001D_030", "B01001D_031"),
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE, output = "wide")
<- asian_age %>%
asianage_filtered mutate(estimate = c(B01001D_007E + B01001D_008E + B01001D_009E + B01001D_010E + B01001D_011E + B01001D_012E + B01001D_013E + B01001D_014E + B01001D_015E + B01001D_016E + B01001D_022E + B01001D_023E + B01001D_024E + B01001D_025E + B01001D_026E + B01001D_027E + B01001D_028E + B01001D_029E + B01001D_030E + B01001D_031E)) %>%
mutate(moe = B01001D_007M + B01001D_008M + B01001D_009M + B01001D_010M + B01001D_011M + B01001D_012M + B01001D_013M + B01001D_014M + B01001D_015M + B01001D_016M + B01001D_022M + B01001D_023M + B01001D_024M + B01001D_025M + B01001D_026M + B01001D_027M + B01001D_028M + B01001D_029M + B01001D_030M + B01001D_031M) %>% select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_asianage = estimate,
moe_asianage = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(asianage_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_asianage = 100 * pop_asianage / pop)
Category 3 variable 1
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
us_citizen_us_born variables = "B05001_002",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- us_citizen_us_born %>%
us_citizen_us_born_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_us_born = estimate,
moe_us_born = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(us_citizen_us_born_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_us_born = 100 * pop_us_born / pop)
Category 3 variable 2
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
us_citizen_naturalized variables = "B05001_005",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- us_citizen_naturalized %>%
us_citizen_naturalized_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_us_naturalized = estimate,
moe_us_naturalized = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(us_citizen_naturalized_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_us_naturalized = 100 * pop_us_naturalized / pop)
Category 4 variable 1
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
employment_male variables = "B23001_002",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- employment_male %>%
employment_male_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_employment_male = estimate,
moe_employment_male = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(employment_male_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_employment_male = 100 * pop_employment_male / pop)
Category 4 variable 2
<- get_acs(geography = "county",
employment_female variables = "B23001_088",
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = TRUE)
<- employment_female %>%
employment_female_filtered select(FIPS = GEOID,
pop_employment_female = estimate,
moe_employment_female = moe)
<- countyGIS %>%
countyGIS inner_join(employment_female_filtered, by = "FIPS") %>%
mutate(pct_employment_female = 100 * pop_employment_female / pop)